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Council Reporting and Contacts

Reporting to Bedford Borough Council  

If you notice a problem a problem in Brickhill then please let us know. 
You can also use the following links to report most road and pavement issues direct.

Please do not complete this report if you consider the problem you are reporting is an emergency. 
For highways emergencies phone the Council customer contact centre on 01234 718003

Click on the following to make online reports 

(This includes dog waste bins, dog waste can be put in black litter bins)  

Parking Reports 

Bedford Borough Council will issue fines (penalty charge notice or PCNs) for the following types of illegal parking:

  1. parking on yellow lines
  2. not displaying a valid parking ticket
  3. parking on pavements or verges where a restriction is in place
  4. parking across driveways

They do not get involved with neighbourly disputes or inconsiderate parking.

If you think a vehicle is abandoned, please go to the abandoned or unwanted vehicle page and report it here.  

To report an illegally parked vehicle, please contact the Enforcement Team on enforcement.team@bedford.gov.uk or 01234 718359. Or text only enforcement requests to 07553895403.

An enforcement officer will respond to your request as soon as possible, but they may not be able to do so immediately if they are patrolling elsewhere in the Borough.

Please note you won't get a reply about the outcome of an enforcement officer visit.
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